
with brains

Strong connections with many industries since 1884

There is only a handful of those inventions that have allowed mankind to take the technical developments based on them to new dimensions. The bolt is one of them. Even the wheel – the mother of all technical revolutions – only became the all-moving factor of industrial development due to the bolted connection.

One of the pioneers of this development is the company August Friedberg, founded in Gelsenkirchen in 1884. Initially used only for mining operations in the Ruhr area, Friedberg products soon conquered other markets with a demand for fastening technology.

A textbook career begins: from a rather rudimentary standard bolt to the virtually all-encompassing high-quality system and safety component of today – no matter if cold-formed or warm-formed in continuously optimized production processes.

The diversity of these products has been setting standards for the automotive industry, building and steel construction, complex industrial applications, and the global wind energy industry. Special products and custom-made designs of connecting systems are developed in close cooperation with the customers and tailored to their individual needs. A wide range of services adds to the steadiness with which products from August Friedberg have been convincing the world market for over 140 years.